Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Q:1 What drives the water cycle to work?

This has a very simple answer, the sun. Without the sun there watercycle could never start. The water from oceans and rivers would not evaporate and if there is no evaporating water there is no condensation or precipitation that could take place.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Q:2 What is the water cycle?

The water cycle or also known as the hydrologic cycle is the continuous movement of water from a liquid to a gas and back to a liquid and sometimes to a solid state. It consists of three major parts that the water goes threw. Evaporation is where the sun heats up the water on earth and it floats upwards as water vapor. From there it condensates and froms into a cloud where later on the clouds become heavy and release the water. This is known as percipitation, this is basicly when it rains. the only time the water can come down as a solid is when it is hailing because the water has frozen and becomes ice.

Q:3 How do clouds form?

The water vapor from the evaporateing bodies of water all clump together when they are high enough in earths atmosphere. During the process of condensation theses water molecules cool off and clump together. They form what we know as clouds.